As Questions Swirl, God’s Sovereignty Stills Our Troubled Minds

The sound of rain soothes my soul. This was particularly true this past Sunday morning as I sat in my office rehearsing the events of the previous evening. For several minutes, I enjoyed listening to the steady rain outside my open window.

I had not slept well the previous night as I thought about what I saw and wondered how it was possible for the Secret Service to allow someone on a rooftop so close to where President Trump was speaking.

My thoughts soon turned to my expectation of Jesus’ imminent appearing. In years past, I have placed far too much hope on political solutions for the woes facing America. Now, after a great many disappointments and much, much disillusionment, my optimism for what lies ahead rests solely upon Christ’s soon intervention in our world.

Jesus’ imminent appearing is my only lasting solace in these perilous times.

The Lord Is Faithful

I’m unsure as to why the sound of rain calms me or why I enjoy it so much. Mix in some lightning and thunder and it’s all the more relaxing (assuming there are no tornado warnings or violent storms nearby).

The words of James 5:7-8 came to mind as I thought about why listening to rain often quiets my restless feelings:

Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.

The rain speaks of God’s faithfulness; it reminds us of His goodness.

Isn’t it curious that James uses God’s faithfulness in sending rain at the proper time for farmers as an example of our waiting for the Rapture? Just as they wait for the “late rains,” so we patiently long for our homegoing amid the perilous times in which we live.

The words of 2 Peter 3:1-10 come to mind; people will continue to ridicule our hope, but the day of our homegoing will surely arrive. At just the right time, He will appear and take us to the place He’s preparing for us (John 14:1-3).

The arrival of rain at just the right time testifies to the Lord’s faithfulness. It also reminds us of the need to patiently watch, and wait, for His appearing; He will not disappoint us.

God Is Sovereign

My suspicion regarding the failure of the Secret Service on July 13 has led to many disquieting questions. I list just a few of them below:

  1. How did the shooter know he could climb a ladder with a large rifle with no one stopping him?

  2. Why did the police seemingly ignore people pointing out the presence of a gunman on a nearby roof?

  3. After discovering the presence of a dire threat twenty minutes earlier, why did the Secret Service allow President Trump to take the stage and begin speaking?

  4. Why did law enforcement wait until the killer begin firing shots at Trump before killing him?

  5. Why the momentary delay of the agents in rushing to assist him after the bullet struck his ear?

As the questions multiply with each passing day, many people wonder if a nefarious motive lies behind the egregious dereliction of duty on the part of many that day to adequately protect President Trump.

As I pondered these things, the words of Proverbs 15:3 stilled my troubled and suspicious mind:

The eyes of the Lord are in every place,

    keeping watch on the evil and the good.

I don’t expect to receive any definitive answers to the concerns listed above. However, I know the Lord saw all that happened and He will deal justly with all those involved in attempting to kill President Trump. I need not know the details of how He will do it.

As I continued listening to the rain, I read how the psalmist linked rainstorms with God’s sovereignty:

For I know that the Lord is great,

    and that our Lord is above all gods.

Whatever the Lord pleases, he does,

    in heaven and on earth,

    in the seas and all deeps.

He it is who makes the clouds rise at the end of the earth,

    who makes lightnings for the rain

    and brings forth the wind from his storehouses. (Psalm 135:5-7)

Regardless of what the future holds for me or my country, I know the Lord will someday return just as He promised. His sovereignty assures us that He will adequately and justly deal with the wickedness of our day. He will establish His righteous rule over all the nations of the earth. Even in His kingdom, the Lord will control the rain and withhold it from nations that refuse to worship Him (Zechariah 14:16-19).

God will not flood the entire earth again as He did in the days of Noah, but His justice will soon rain down on those who reject Him and His Word. The plans of the elite powerbrokers to enslave the people of the world under a tyrannical regime will succeed for a short while, but the Lord will destroy what’s left of the antichrist’s kingdom at His Second Coming.

Until then, the sound of rain will remind me of the words of James 5:7-8 and fill me with assurance that Jesus is surely coming for us and His timing will be perfect. My hope doesn’t rest in the results of elections or any other earthly outcome, but solely upon Jesus and the promises He has made to me in His Word.

Although the waiting is difficult at times, it will be well worth it. He most assuredly will reward our watchfulness and eager anticipation of His appearing (Philippians 3:20-21). Don’t let those who now mock and disdain our hope in the Rapture take your eyes off the prize. He is surely coming for us.

I pray He appears very soon, but I know that whenever it happens, it will be well worth our patience endurance. He will greatly reward our patient watchfulness.

Note: In Hereafter, It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine, Terry James and I describe the future glory that awaits us as believers beginning with Jesus’ appearing to take us home. From beginning to end, we emphasize the jubilant joy that awaits us in Heaven. The last chapter contains twenty-seven frequently asked questions and answers pertaining to Heaven and our experience there.

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