Is the UN Agenda for Israel and Jerusalem Prophetically Significant?

Unlike any other time in the church age, we see a multitude of signs telling us that the Tribulation period is rapidly approaching. However, like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle scattered about on a tabletop, we don’t yet fully recognize how they will all fit together to complete the biblical picture of the end times for Israel.

In one grouping of pieces, we see the world’s obsession with Israel and Jerusalem, precisely as the prophet Zechariah predicted for the last days (12:1-3). The purpose of the upcoming UN Conference on Palestine, set for June 2-4, is to set in motion a two-state solution to resolve the Middle East conflict. The member nations hope to impose their seven or ten-year peace accord upon Israel during the UN’s celebration of its 80th birthday this coming September.

The UN initiative also calls for an immediate ceasefire of all hostilities in the region with Israel giving up all the territory it acquired in in the Six-Day War of 1967, including East Jerusalem.


While the upcoming meetings at the UN point us in the direction of Daniel’s seventieth week, they don’t quite get us there; something is missing. We notice at two least major obstacles that stand in the way of the UN imposing its will on Israel.

First, President Trump opposes the two-state solution offered by the UN. Instead, he’s actively promoting the ideas of clearing all the Palestinians out of Gaza, settling them in other Arab nations, and creating a Palestinian State within the borders of Saudi Arabia. He has established a starting point for negotiations that’s far afield from the tried and failed solutions of the past.

Second, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will certainly refuse the UN plan. He has oftentimes rejected the idea of a return to pre-1967 borders citing that such a solution would be suicidal for the Jewish people living in Israel, and he’s absolutely correct! With the backing of a popular and highly influential US President, Netanyahu stands on firm ground in his resistance to the UN plan.

Antichrist Will Confirm the Covenant

Furthermore, the Bible tells us that the antichrist will confirm the upcoming peace covenant with Israel, which will initiate Daniel’s seventieth week, the seven-year Tribulation for the world. Daniel 9:27 mentions the “many,” which suggests the inclusion of other nations in the deal. However, they are not the ones who will impose the prophetic peace accord upon Israel such as the UN intends to do later this year. The two key participants in the prophesied peace accord will be antichrist and Israel.

In Isaiah 28:14-22, the Lord admonishes Israel for entering into a future “covenant of death,” which is almost certainly a prophecy concerning the accord the nation will make with antichrist. God will judge the nations for dividing the Land (Joel 3:1-3), but He will hold Israel’s leaders responsible for agreeing to the terms of the seven-year deal with antichrist. In other words, Israel will agree to the deal that kicks off Daniel’s last week, it’s not something the nations will impose upon Israel apart from the consent of its leaders.

The Missing Piece

The missing piece to all that we see happening with the UN, Israel, and Jerusalem is the Rapture. It’s the piece that ties together many other pieces of the puzzle.

It’s possible that the coming “man of lawlessness” is already involved in some way with the UN Conference on Palestine. However, he cannot take center stage on the world scene until after Jesus removes His church from it (2 Thessalonians 2:3-8). In the meantime, we might have guesses concerning his identity, but we cannot know for sure. Because the Lord is restraining him at the moment, he can’t lead the peacemaking negotiations until after we are gone.

The Rapture will also remove the US as a key obstacle to the current UN plan. The ensuing chaos will instantly remove America as a world power and greatly limit its ability to defend Israel. I believe that the Gog/Magog invasion will happen after the Rapture as the participants take advantage of a greatly weakened US.

The radically changed landscape of the post-Rapture world will give the antichrist the perfect opening to convince a war-weary Israel to agree to his offer of peace. After the Gog/Magog war, he will be able to make his deal all the more appealing by allowing for the rebuilding of the third temple, which Israel greatly desires at the moment. I seriously doubt that such a provision is included in the UN Conference on Palestine; It’s provisions will likely deny the Jewish people access to the Temple Mount.

Of course, the current UN agenda for Israel and Jerusalem is prophetically significant. I always expected the Rapture would occur before anyone world leader even mentioned a possible seven-year peace accord with Israel. The fact that the nations of the world are considering such a plan tells us we surely live in biblical times.

Until the Rapture occurs, the UN’s plan seems headed for failure. After that, however, the antichrist will be free take control of the negotiations and make Israel an offer they will not refuse.

My book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is available on Amazon. In it, I lay a firm biblical foundation for our hope in Jesus’ soon appearing to take us home. Please consider purchasing it, especially if you desire sound biblical reassurance regarding the pre-Tribulation.

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