What Does America’s Change Of Direction Mean In View Of Biblical Prophecy?

As the vast corruption of the previous US President and his administration becomes all the more apparent, we wonder how our nation survived during the past four years. President Donald Trump has brought a much-needed change of direction.

Trump’s renewed support for Israel and the Jewish people, the uncovering of the vast wasteful and criminal spending of the past several years, and his strong appeal for peace might suggest to some that the Rapture might not be as close as they thought.

It’s tempting to think that way. I have found myself wondering if perhaps there’s been a pause in the parade of events leading to Jesus’ soon appearing. However, two thoughts bring me back to reality.

First, I remember Jesus’ assertion that the fulfillment of Bible prophecy will happen at the time sovereignly set by the Father (Matthew 24:36; Acts 1:7). God knows the precise time when He will send His Son to get His Bride and bring her to glory. He already took into consideration all that we see happening today when He long ago set the time of our departure from this world.

Second, I’m aware that a strong undercurrent in world affairs remains, which after the Rapture will directly lead to antichrist’s covenant with Israel, which will mark the beginning of the seven-year Tribulation for the world. The lawlessness of those who seek to destroy our nation remains on full display for all who are paying attention.

So, does that mean that world events are accelerating toward Jesus’ appearing? I prefer to put it this way: the stage-setting for the future one-world government has not ceased or slowed down in any way.

After the Rapture, the demonic undercurrent of lawlessness, already at work, will become even more evident. It’s then that the following earth-shaking events will occur.

Israel Will Become Vulnerable to an Invasion

At the moment, Israel doesn’t need the protection of the antichrist. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu often refers to President Trump as the best friend that his nation has ever had in the White House. Along with hastening the delivery of over 1,800 two-ton bombs, which Biden had delayed, another enormous shipment of bombs and bulldozers will soon be on its way to Israel from the US, if not already there.

It’s doubtful that the Gog/Magog invasion of Ezekiel 38-39 would take place in the near term with a strong America ready to supply more weapons to Israel and defend it against attack. The Rapture, however, will decimate the US as a world power and provide the perfect opportunity for antichrist to step in as the protector of the Jewish people.

I suspect that the Gog/Magog attack will occur between the Rapture and antichrist’s seven-year peace accord with Israel. The aftermath of that invasion will provide the perfect opportunity for him to offer the nation they cannot refuse, likely sweetened by allowing the Jewish people to build their temple.

The Most Deadly Wars in History Will Occur

On Friday, February 28, we saw how quickly things can change on the world scene. The White House was prepared to announce a cease fire between Ukraine and Russia. Apparently, Vladimir Putin had agreed to it and everyone expected Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian President, to go along with the cessation of hostilities. But that did not happen.

Zelenskyy turned the Oval Office meeting into an argument to keep the war going rather than settle for a cessation of hostilities.

President Trump warned the Ukrainian President that his actions could lead to WWIII, and that’s exactly what we have seen in the days since the Ukrainian leader’s foolish decision. Many European leaders are rallying to Zelenskyy’s cause with promises of weapons and soldiers on the ground.

On Tuesday, March 4, 2025, Putin issued a strong warning to the European nations planning to join Ukraine’s war against Russia. He’s quoted as saying, “And today’s war against Russian would be an absolute apocalypse. I advise our colleagues from Europe and NATO to work for the good of the world, nor for the destruction of the world.”

In other words, the chess pieces are rapidly moving into place for the start of deadly wars and fulfillment of Revelation 6:3-4, 7-8. With many nations in Europe desirous of a major war with Russia, could we already see the beginning of what will happen when Jesus opens the second seal?

The Restrainer Will No Longer Restrict the Man of Lawlessness

Perhaps the biggest change that will occur at the Rapture is the removal of the Restrainer, the Holy Spirit, who is now holding back the unveiling of the antichrist and the full measure of lawlessness that’s to come. Notice Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8:

And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.

Amid the chaos following Jesus’ appearing, conditions will rapidly deteriorate across the planet. Lawlessness, already at levels I never expected to see in my lifetime, will accelerate preparing the way for the antichrist and his solutions to the resulting turmoil and strife.

While it might be tempting to think there’s been a pause in the mad rush of events leading up to the start of the Tribulation period, the elite powerbrokers of our world remain busy. They are working behind the scenes to quickly set the stage for when they can openly enslave the world under their domain.

Although Trump’s rise to power certainly disrupted the deadly agenda of the globalists, the Rapture will fast-track their brief rise to power. But that’s not to say we will not see things move in that direction beforehand.

I’m also reminded that the Lord said His “coming” would be “at an hour you do not expect” (Matthew 24:44). This cannot refer to the Second Coming because by the end of Tribulation, those who believe will fully expect to see Jesus riding across the sky to claim the nations as His own.

My book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is available on Amazon. In it, I lay a firm biblical foundation for our hope in Jesus’ soon appearing to take us home. Please consider purchasing it, especially if you desire sound biblical reassurance regarding the pre-Tribulation and the comfort and encouragement it brings to our daily lives.

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