It's difficult for me not to see God’s hand in bringing together the many factors that contributed to the dreadful images that continue to stream our way from the west coast. It’s not the Day of the Lord wrath, but we would amiss not to see it as His warning of lies ahead for those who refuse to respond to His gracious offer of salvation.
13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 4
The globalists needed something closer to home to generate the necessary panic through which they could control people’s behavior; and COVID-19 has done exactly that. It has created the needed worldwide climate of fear, which gives them the perfect opportunity to carry out their agenda for the Great Reset, the term that the World Economic Forum (WEF) gives to the coming world government.
Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #8: Absence
Premillennialists regard the book of Revelation as future prophecy, the very thing it claims to be (22:18). As we have acknowledged from the beginning of this series, a discussion of where to place the rapture only makes sense within premillennialism, which maintains beliefs in a literal tribulation and a thousand year reign of Jesus on earth before the millennium.
This brings us to our next signpost on our way to establishing a biblical basis for a pretribulation rapture: Absence. The book of Revelation excludes the church from judgments of the tribulation.
Connecting the Dots of the Apocalypse
When it comes to the book of Revelation, many divorce the opening chapters from the remainder of the book. They do so by regarding the opening chapters as “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” (1:1), but not the remainder of the apocalypse.
Jesus’ words to the seven churches, for example, represent not only Jesus’ message to a sampling of current congregations, they also reveal the future of the church. This article provides a few examples of how we can connect the dots from the introduction to the remainder of the book of Revelation.