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My wife, Ruth Brentner, wrote the following post.:

Here's what Bible prophecy does for me:

• IT EXALTS GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY by revealing it on a global scale. I see the nations coming into alignment, and the prophesied one world religion, one world economy, one world government. This commands my worship and awe and thanksgiving as few things can.

• IT DISPLAYS CHRIST’S VICTORY by enabling me to see the unfolding culmination of His redemption plan whereby all things are being put under His feet.

• IT BRINGS ME DEEP ABIDING PEACE AND COMFORT by knowing that He is doing everything in His word He promised He would do, giving me assurance that my future is truly in His hands, and I have nothing to fear that is to come!

• IT STRENGTHENS MY FAITH and quickens hope in me, guarding my heart from despair, for it gives me eyes to see what God is doing behind the scenes of the ever-increasing evil in our world today. I know these are birth pangs signaling our departure into the presence of my beloved Bridegroom.

• IT PROVIDES GREAT PROTECTION. Understanding end times prophecy guards me against the enemy's escalating deceptions, apostasies and snares of the last days that scripture warns about.

• IT PROMOTES WATCHFULNESS, EARNESTNESS in my walk with the Lord, shaking me free from complacency as I see that my time here is short and my King is coming to wrap up all things old and bring in all things new.

1 Peter 1:13
1 Cor. 10:12
Eph 6:18
2 Tim 4:3-5
1 Thess 5:6
1 Pet 4:2; 5:8
Heb. 2:8