Biblical Prophecy

The Devastating Consequences Of The Church Ignoring Our "Blessed Hope"

The Devastating Consequences Of The Church Ignoring Our "Blessed Hope"

In Romans 8:23, the apostle identifies a key aspect of Jesus’ appearing, “the redemption of our bodies,” and then in verse 24 he states, “For in this hope we were saved.” Paul regarded the event we call the “Rapture” as a key belief because it signified the “hope” contained in the saving message of the Gospel.

Lessons From a Russian Gambit

Lessons From a Russian Gambit

Last Saturday, June 24, just when it looked like Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner group were about to attack Moscow resulting in a bloody conflict with forces loyal to Putin, the leader of Russia, the situation suddenly and mysteriously changed.

I learned several lessons from the events of that day.

The Bubble of Normalcy

The Bubble of Normalcy

Many today live in what I call a “bubble of normalcy” where they feel secure because of exaggerated and unrealistic expectations of either a return to normalcy or of it continuing indefinitely into the future.

Even a great number of believers reside in a world of inflated expectations regarding what lies ahead for them.

The Sign of Fulfilled Prophecy

The Sign of Fulfilled Prophecy

We learn a lot by looking at fulfilled prophecy. At His first coming, Jesus fulfilled forty-eight specific prophecies concerning His birth, lineage, life, death, and burial.

What does this tell us about our approach to the many prophecies that remain unfulfilled?

Don’t Mess With the Book of Revelation

Don’t Mess With the Book of Revelation

Revelation begins with these words: “The revelation of Jesus Christ.” The book is all about Jesus’ magnificence and power. From beginning to end, Revelation glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation is more relevant than ever before as we watch a great many of its prophecies came into sharper focus.

Despite the Ruling on Roe v. Wade, God's Judgment Still Hangs Over the U.S.

Despite the Ruling on Roe v. Wade, God's Judgment Still Hangs Over the U.S.

Make no mistake, the Supreme Court ruling on June 24, 2022, overturning Roe v. Ware is a huge victory for life, and I’m overjoyed with the decision. It will possibly spare hundreds of thousands lives from a cruel and inhumane death.

However, I’m not overly optimistic because the ruling does not brighten the dark foreboding clouds on our horizon.

Rousing a Snoozing Church

Rousing a Snoozing Church

There’s insanely good news ahead for us because of Jesus’ imminent return for us, but most saints remain asleep and do not know the peace of watching for His appearing.

3 Reasons Why Satan Hates Jesus' Millennial Reign

3 Reasons Why Satan Hates Jesus' Millennial Reign

The opposition to Jesus’ future reign on earth remains intense. Although premillennialism grew dramatically during the twentieth century, many Bible-believing teachers and pastors have reverted to Augustine’s platonic view of reality that denies biblical teaching regarding the millennium.

What has caused this reversal in recent decades? I believe the roots of today’s passionate opposition to premillennialism lie in Satan’s continuing hatred of anything to do with Jesus’ future reign.

7 Dangers of Neglecting Biblical Prophecy in the Pulpit

7 Dangers of Neglecting Biblical Prophecy in the Pulpit

Pastors, those who listen to you preach need to hear these comforting words so they can obey Paul’s admonition to use this hope encourage each other as the world grows increasingly evil, violent, and threatening with each passing day.

What Do the Events in Afghanistan Reveal About Our World?

What Do the Events in Afghanistan Reveal About Our World?

The Biden administration’s gift of Afghanistan to the Taliban reveals many things about our world. Among other things, it tells us that the seven-year Tribulation is exceedingly close and hence the Lord’s appearing to take us home.

The Necessity of Teaching a Literal Understanding of Prophecy

The Necessity of Teaching a Literal Understanding of Prophecy

Why do so many believers today remain blind to the numerous signs that we live in the last days?

I believe a key reason for this lies with pastors and teachers today who in large numbers today embrace amillennialism, a belief system that denies biblical prophecies related to Jesus’ thousand-year rule and the restoration of a kingdom for Israel. As a result, they regard the miraculous emergence of Israel as a nation as mere coincidence without any prophetic significance.

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 1

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 1

It’s impossible to overstate the significance of this or dismiss it as a mere coincidence. Israel’s miraculous rebirth as a nation not only fulfills prophecy, it sets the stage for the fulfillment of all the other end time prophecies.

Don’t Let Thieves Steal Your Joyous Anticipation of Eternity

Don’t Let Thieves Steal Your Joyous Anticipation of Eternity

The practice of allegorizing biblical prophecy not only diminishes the integrity of Scripture (see my previous post), but it also turns the millennium and eternity into something far less glorious than the picture we find in God’s Word.

None Are So Blind

None Are So Blind

There’s an ancient saying that dates back to 1546 when John Heywood said, "There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

Unfortunately, this quote aptly describes the majority of pastors today in the United States, even many of those who preach in churches whose statements of faith affirm beliefs in the inerrancy of Scripture.

Christmas Reminds us of the Integrity of Scripture

Christmas Reminds us of the Integrity of Scripture

Christmas reminds me that God keeps His promises. Just as the Lord fulfilled many prophecies beginning with Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, so also, He certainly will fulfill all His promises and prophecies that have to do with the end times includes His return to take us back to His Father’s home and the Second Coming.

Indeed, we now see so the beginning of so many yet unfulfilled prophecies, which tells us they will certainly become a reality in the near future.

Biblical Prophecy Preserves My Sanity

Biblical Prophecy Preserves My Sanity

I would go crazy if not for the words of Scripture. I emphasize “words” because that remains Satan’s chief target as it has been through the ages. In the Garden of Eden, he challenged the veracity of God’s Word and his tactics remain unchanged to this day.

The Indispensable Value of Biblical Prophecy

The Indispensable Value of Biblical Prophecy

What if we did not have biblical prophecy to provide a context for the events unfolding in our world? What if we did not have the book of Revelation to tell us we should expect to see a world government in the last days? What if we did not have Jesus’ words in Mathew 24 that speak of the days before His return to the earth?

Biblical prophecy is indispensable for the day in which we live!

Biblical Encouragement for Troubled Times

Biblical Encouragement for Troubled Times

My heart ached this past Monday morning as I read about the chaos and lawlessness near the White House. I felt both anger and fear as I saw pictures of violence and deadly attacks on law enforcement in cities throughout the United States.

It was not until I read several Psalms and through about Jesus’ promises return that my heart began to settle down and my focus began to change from the rioters to my hope in Jesus.

Why Should I Care?

Why Should I Care?

If you read my previous post, 7 Reasons why Premillennialism is a Biblical Necessity, you still might be wondering why it’s such a big deal. Does premillennialism really matter for my daily life? Why should I care whether or not God’s promise of a future kingdom for Israel remains in effect?

Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #7: Restrainer

Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #7: Restrainer

As we saw in our last signpost, the false report informing the Thessalonians that the day of the Lord had already begun put these new believers in a state of severe panic (see signpost #6). In response,

This brings us to the next word on our signposts: “Restrainer.” Why is this word so significant? A key event at the start of the tribulation, the revealing of the antichrist, cannot happen until God removes the Restrainer who is currently holding back his unveiling to the world.