Israel's Rebirth

Gabriel's Announcement to Mary Speaks to the Lack of Discernment in Today's Church

Gabriel's Announcement to Mary Speaks to the Lack of Discernment in Today's Church

The fulfillment of Messianic prophecies began with Gabriel’s visit to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus (Luke 1:28-38). Along with explaining her supernatural virgin birth, the angel referred her Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the Messiah’s birth as a “child” (Isaiah 9:6-7). His message to the mother of Jesus included the promised millennial reign of her Son.

Modern-Day Israel Fulfills Bible Prophecy

Modern-Day Israel Fulfills Bible Prophecy

On May 14, 1948, Israel again became a nation “in a day,” which was precisely what the prophet Isaiah predicted would happen (66:9). However, there are many more reasons to regard today’s Israel as occupying a key role in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Debunking Popular Lies about Premillennialism

Debunking Popular Lies about Premillennialism

Has the definition of Premillennialism changed in the past few decades? I ask this because during the past several years, a few pastors told me they were Premillennial, but they didn’t adhere to a futuristic interpretation of the book of Revelation or the restoration of a kingdom to Israel.

11 Compelling Signs of the Last Days

11 Compelling Signs of the Last Days

I’m convinced that we live in biblical times that are far different than any time since the first century AD. I say this because of the abundance of signs pointing to the soon arrival of the seven-year Tribulation with the Rapture occurring before it starts.

Although many mock our expectation of Jesus’ soon appearing, the words of Scripture side with those of us who cherish the hope of His imminent return.

6 Signs That Something Is Amiss at Your Church

6 Signs That Something Is Amiss at Your Church

As a former pastor, I grieve because of what’s happening in many churches. The silence of shepherds keeps many saints in the dark regarding what lies behind current world events and diverts their attention to temporal things away from their glorious “blessed hope” in Jesus’ appearing.

Israel’s Future Restoration Validates Our Hope as New Testament Saints

Israel’s Future Restoration Validates Our Hope as New Testament Saints

Both Israel’s future and our security as New Testament Saints rest upon both God’s promises and character. That’s why I always begin my defense of the pre-Tribulation Rapture with the biblical teaching regarding the Lord’s future restoration of Israel.

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 1

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 1

It’s impossible to overstate the significance of this or dismiss it as a mere coincidence. Israel’s miraculous rebirth as a nation not only fulfills prophecy, it sets the stage for the fulfillment of all the other end time prophecies.

Israel’s Future Restoration Vindicates God’s Holiness

Israel’s Future Restoration Vindicates God’s Holiness

Ezekiel tells us that God’s future outpouring of blessings on the Jewish people has nothing to do with their goodness. In His own words, the Lord says that He will act “for the sake of my holy name” and to “vindicate the holiness of my great name.”

In other words, the Lord’s keeping of His promise to restore a kingdom to Israel vindicates His holiness.

Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #1: Premillennialism

Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #1: Premillennialism

Why do we believe that the rapture will happen before the tribulation? There are a number of signposts in Scripture that point us in the direction of which I will write about in the coming weeks. I will start with premillennialism.

Premillennialism is the belief in the thousand year reign of Jesus before the eternal state (see Rev. 20:1-10). Those who hold to this position believe in a literal seven year tribulation after which Jesus returns to earth to setup His kingdom and rule over the nations from Jerusalem.

Prelude to the Tribulation

Prelude to the Tribulation

A common response to those like me who believe we live in the last days is this: “The world has seen violence and wickedness all through its history. What’s so different about today?”

I fully understand that question especially when one considers the world wars of the previous century. Seventy-five years ago many Christians thought Hitler was the antichrist based on his hatred of the Jews and his efforts to establish a worldwide socialist empire. This was truly a terrible time in world history, but it was not the prelude to the tribulation.

Dealing With End Times Complacency by Britt Gillette

Dealing With End Times Complacency by Britt Gillette

To say the world is the same today as in years past – that we don’t live in unique times – is just not true. More than any other generation, ours has reason to expect the Second Coming. Jesus and the prophets said to look for specific signs heralding the end times. For over 1,800 years, you couldn’t find one of the signs they said to look for. Today, in one form or another, you can find all of them. Here are just a few examples:

What Difference Does It Make?

What Difference Does It Make?

During the past year, I have written many articles defending my belief in premillennialism, which is the belief that Jesus will return to earth after a literal seven year tribulation, destroy the armies arrayed against Jerusalem, and rule the world for a thousand years seated on the throne of David.

At this point you may be asking, “What difference does it make?” After all, many pastors who deny these things preach the Gospel and expound the Word with great conviction. Does it really matter if they deny Israel’s place in future biblical prophecy or regard the book of Revelation as having little relevance for us today apart from the final two chapters? Yes, it absolutely matters.