
Refuting the Great Lie About Our "Blessed Hope"

Refuting the Great Lie About Our "Blessed Hope"

Though it’s been debunked countless times, a great many saints remain convinced that the doctrine of the pre-Tribulation Rapture originated with John Darby. Although they insist that no one believed in such a thing before him, it’s simply not true.

Let me be clear: If anyone tells you that this teaching originated with John Darby, they are either purposely misleading you or have themselves been the victim of someone deceiving them about its origin.

The Biblical Necessity of the Seven-Year Tribulation

The Biblical Necessity of the Seven-Year Tribulation

The third Jewish temple been in the planning stage for three decades. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has made all the furnishings for the third temple with the exception of the Ark of the Covenant for which they claim to know the location of the original one. They have the architectural plans for it and are currently training Levites to serve as priests.

Debunking Popular Lies about Premillennialism

Debunking Popular Lies about Premillennialism

Has the definition of Premillennialism changed in the past few decades? I ask this because during the past several years, a few pastors told me they were Premillennial, but they didn’t adhere to a futuristic interpretation of the book of Revelation or the restoration of a kingdom to Israel.

Daniel’s Prophecy Validates Our Hope in Jesus’ Imminent Appearing

Daniel’s Prophecy Validates Our Hope in Jesus’ Imminent Appearing

What does Daniel’s prophecy have to do with the Jesus’ imminent appearing? If the last period of Daniel’s “seventy weeks” is now nearing its start, this verifies that we live in the last days of human history. The scoffers of our day, however, tell us that Daniel’s words are no longer relevant for today and that Israel’s rebirth as a nation was just a fluke of history.

Refuting the Scoffers

Refuting the Scoffers

Once you say that you believe in the Rapture, the scoffers will invariably counter with this question, “How can believe something that no one believed until the late 1800’s?”

In this post, I provide evidence from church history showing that a belief in the Rapture existed long before the nineteenth century. I present this information so that you might have confidence should someone use this to attack your belief.

The Perilous Beliefs of Preterism

The Perilous Beliefs of Preterism

Why am I writing about preterism? It’s my passion to warn believers about false teachings related to future things and as such preterism requires our full attention because it distorts our Gospel hope.

Because of the widespread acceptance and popularity of preterism, it’s necessary to address key perils wrapped up in its false teaching.

Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #9: Church History

Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #9: Church History

This brings us to our next signpost on the path to establishing a biblical basis for the pretribulation rapture: church history. The purpose of this signpost is not to justify our belief in the pretribulation rapture on the basis of history nor is it to convince those who reject it on this faulty basis.
Rather, my intent is to provide those who already believe in the rapture with evidence of a belief in it from church history.

When Did the Belief in Jesus’ Millennial Reign Begin?

When Did the Belief in Jesus’ Millennial Reign Begin?

I talked with a gentleman a few weeks ago who told me that belief in Jesus’ millennial reign was relatively new in church history. He asserted that it did not begin until late in the late nineteenth century. Was he correct?

Absolutely not! Premillennialism, the belief in Jesus’ thousand year rule upon the earth before the eternal state, dominated the first three hundred years of the church.

In essence, there has been a rewriting of church history that ignores the existence of early church beliefs regarding Jesus’ future reign.

The Rapture in Church History

The Rapture in Church History

What did the early church believe about the rapture? Is there evidence that some believed Jesus would take His church out of the world before a time of tribulation?

Of course, we must base our beliefs on the words of Scripture, which is our only sure guide. But because the our belief is relentlessly mocked is something that cannot be true because no one in the early church believed it, I provide evidence to the contrary.

Is Belief in the Rapture Relatively New?

Is Belief in the Rapture Relatively New?

Those who oppose our beliefs in a pretribulation rapture fill up social media and the Internet with stories mocking the rapture as something no one believed until the nineteenth century. They discredit it based on its recent appearance in the life of the church.

So, is our belief in the rapture relatively new in church history? No, absolutely not! As will see in the following sections, saints in the early days of the church looked for Jesus’ appearing to take away His church ahead of a time of tribulation on the earth. The doctrine existed long before people began calling it “the rapture” during the 1800’s.