
Refuting the Great Lie About Our "Blessed Hope"

Refuting the Great Lie About Our "Blessed Hope"

Though it’s been debunked countless times, a great many saints remain convinced that the doctrine of the pre-Tribulation Rapture originated with John Darby. Although they insist that no one believed in such a thing before him, it’s simply not true.

Let me be clear: If anyone tells you that this teaching originated with John Darby, they are either purposely misleading you or have themselves been the victim of someone deceiving them about its origin.

Refuting the Scoffers

Refuting the Scoffers

Once you say that you believe in the Rapture, the scoffers will invariably counter with this question, “How can believe something that no one believed until the late 1800’s?”

In this post, I provide evidence from church history showing that a belief in the Rapture existed long before the nineteenth century. I present this information so that you might have confidence should someone use this to attack your belief.