The Third Temple

12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal

12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal

I understand why so many question Jesus’ soon return given the fact that it’s been two thousand years since He promised to return.

In spite of the long wait, I’m convinced that Jesus’ appearing is imminent because of the myriad of signs telling us that the Tribulation period is right on our doorstep.

The Biblical Necessity of a Third Jewish Temple

The Biblical Necessity of a Third Jewish Temple

The third Jewish temple been in the planning stage for three decades. The Temple Institute in Jerusalem has made all the furnishings for the third temple with the exception of the Ark of the Covenant for which they claim to know the location of the original one. They have the architectural plans for it and are currently training Levites to serve as priests.

A Dozen Prophetic Signs That Tell Us We Live on the Edge of Eternity

A Dozen Prophetic Signs That Tell Us We Live on the Edge of Eternity

We live on the edge if eternity. For those who know Jesus as their Savior, it will start when He catches us up to meet Him in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:3-17). We live in biblical times.

As many of you know, I often write about the signs of the time. However, I feel compelled to do so again as reminder both to myself as well as to others of the nearness of Jesus’ appearing.

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 1

13 Reasons Why We Live in the Last Hour of Human History, Part 1

It’s impossible to overstate the significance of this or dismiss it as a mere coincidence. Israel’s miraculous rebirth as a nation not only fulfills prophecy, it sets the stage for the fulfillment of all the other end time prophecies.

Why Must There be a Third Temple?

Why Must There be a Third Temple?

President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has sparked much talk of the third temple. The people of Israel have already shown great support for a new temple; now the excitement for this is even stronger than before in light of President Trump’s announcements.

Is this renewed anticipation in itself prophetic? Yes it is. Scripture tells us there will be such a temple at least by the midpoint of the coming tribulation. As such, the indicators pointing to its construction tell us that this time is getting closer.

We will start with the prophecy and then explain what it means.

Why Do We Keep Watching?

Why Do We Keep Watching?

For a moment, I actually thought the rapture was occurring. I heard a trumpet blaring and for a brief moment I felt as though something was pulling me upward.

This happened when I was in college, over 40 year ago, during a time when I had been reading extensively about the rapture. Late one warm afternoon, I fell asleep at my desk in my dorm room. Suddenly, the sound of a loud trumpet fanfare awoke me from a deep sleep and I thought “this is it; the Lord is returning!” After a few seconds, I realized it was the sound of a trumpet warming up for a nearby band rehearsal.

Why Must There be a Third Temple?

Why Must There be a Third Temple?

President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel has sparked much talk of the third temple. The people of Israel have already shown great support for a new temple; now the excitement for this is even stronger than before in light of President Trump’s announcements.

Is this renewed anticipation in itself prophetic? Yes it is. Scripture tells us there will be such a temple at least by the midpoint of the coming tribulation. As such, the indicators pointing to its construction tell us that this time is getting closer.

We will start with the prophecy and then explain what it means.