
What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For?

Our expectation is not only that of meeting Jesus in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:17), but also that of a resurrection body; one that will be a huge upgrade from our weak “flesh and blood” bodies. No matter what we experience in our current aging and disease-prone bodies, we know it’s temporary. And nothing, not even death, can change the fact that when Jesus appears, He will give us immortal bodies.

The Devastating Consequences Of The Church Ignoring Our "Blessed Hope"

The Devastating Consequences Of The Church Ignoring Our "Blessed Hope"

In Romans 8:23, the apostle identifies a key aspect of Jesus’ appearing, “the redemption of our bodies,” and then in verse 24 he states, “For in this hope we were saved.” Paul regarded the event we call the “Rapture” as a key belief because it signified the “hope” contained in the saving message of the Gospel.

Why Do So Many Believers Choose to Be Oblivious to the Perils of Our World?

Why Do So Many Believers Choose to Be Oblivious to the Perils of Our World?

The video was unforgettable. A woman on a train remained focused on her smartphone despite the chaos outside happening her window. As she smiled at the images in her phone, only a pane of glass separates her from widespread destruction and fires along the path of the train.

The Comfort We Find in Jesus' Triumphant Return to Earth

The Comfort We Find in Jesus' Triumphant Return to Earth

If not for Bible prophecy and my hope in Jesus’ soon appearing, I could see myself easily giving into the panic that abounds in our world. But I know that regardless of how dark and chaotic our world becomes, Jesus will have the final say.

Don't Look Outside the Window

Don't Look Outside the Window

The video was unforgettable. A woman on a train remained focused on her smartphone despite the chaos outside happening her window. As she smiled at the images in her phone, only a pane of glass separates her from widespread destruction and fires along the path of the train.

That’s How We Know!

That’s How We Know!

The resurrection is how we know that our faith rests on a sure and unshakable foundation.

That’s how we recognize that the urgency of the day as God’s judgment hangs over our world as never before. That’s how we know our hope in Jesus’ appearing to take us home is true and unshakable.

7 Dangers of Neglecting Biblical Prophecy in the Pulpit

7 Dangers of Neglecting Biblical Prophecy in the Pulpit

Pastors, those who listen to you preach need to hear these comforting words so they can obey Paul’s admonition to use this hope encourage each other as the world grows increasingly evil, violent, and threatening with each passing day.

Ukraine and the Devaluing of Human Life

Ukraine and the Devaluing of Human Life

I realize that such disregard for life has been a part of wars throughout history; it’s full of genocidal accounts committed by evil people yielded to the devil. Who else could inspire such atrocities?

What we see today is worse than anything before because the devaluing of human life is more widespread than ever before.

The Rapture: Needed Encouragement for Perilous Times

The Rapture: Needed Encouragement for Perilous Times

Perhaps one of the most overlooked aspects of the Rapture is how it encourages believers during difficult and even dangerous times. We need this its comforting salve now, perhaps more than ever before.

Where else can we turn for hope as a war rages in Europe and threatens to further hinder the supply chain of food to our stores?

The Rapture is My Precious Hope

The Rapture is My Precious Hope

My purpose for this post is not to defend the doctrine of the pretribulation Rapture as I have done in numerous blog posts as well as in my latest book, The Triumph of the Redeemed. Instead, I chose to explain why my hope in Jesus’ appearing is so dear to my heart.

The Rapture Is a Biblical Event

The Rapture Is a Biblical Event

Early in the twentieth century, belief in the Rapture became a mainstay at Bible-believing churches in America and throughout the world. Unfortunately, much has changed during the past twenty-five years. The word “Rapture” has become taboo in many churches, even in those that claim to believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.

Transhumanism and the Nearness of the Tribulation

Transhumanism and the Nearness of the Tribulation

I sincerely wish that I am wrong. I very much wish that I am indeed a “conspiracy theorist” as some accuse me of being. I would so very much like to say that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are “safe and effective.”

However, I must write what the Lord lays on my heart and will continue to do so.

In Times Like These

In Times Like These

When the disciples asked Jesus about the signs of the end of the age, Jesus began His answer with these words, “See that no one leads you astray” (Matt. 24:4). Jesus’ first warning about the last days concerned those who would seek to deceive His followers by leading them away from the truth. Does this not describe the world in which we all live?

3 Reasons Why Many Pastors Fail to Provide Lasting Hope

3 Reasons Why Many Pastors Fail to Provide Lasting Hope

Since COVID-19 lock downs began across the United States, I have heard several Bible-based messages intended to comfort the faithful. Many of them, however, failed to offer any real encouragement to me because they ignored or missed the prophetic context of the day in which we live.

Today’s popular messages of comfort ignore what the Bible says is coming and thus leave believers uniformed of what’s at stake for them in the days ahead.

What the Empty Tomb Tells Us

What the Empty Tomb Tells Us

Jesus’ empty tomb establishes His credibility and supernatural character. He was no ordinary man. Who else could predict both His death and the timing of His resurrection (John 2:18-22)?

Because Jesus rose from the dead, we know beyond a doubt that his claims are true.

How Does Jesus Speak to Us Today?

How Does Jesus Speak to Us Today?

Do you remember the EF Hutton commercials from several decades ago? In the midst of a loud and boisterous party someone uttered these words, “EF Hutton says. . . .” Instantly the noisy room became quiet as everyone leaned toward the person speaking to hear the latest investment advice from the corporate giant.

The commercials no longer appear on our television screen. As the result of a check kiting scandal, EF Hutton dissolved into other companies and no longer exists.

Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #4: Expectations

Pretribulation Rapture Signpost #4: Expectations

My wife and I walked into the restaurant with high expectations. Someone had told us this was the best place in the area for Italian food. Maybe it was an off night, but we left unsatisfied with what we ordered that evening. As I look back, I wonder if our anticipation of a really great Italian dinner contributed to our disappointment.

Expectations have a powerful influence on us. The wrong ones, such as what we will see with Paul’s new converts in Thessalonica, can lead to much disappointment and even grief.

Are You at a Breaking Point?

Are You at a Breaking Point?

If not for my belief in the rapture, I would have reached a breaking point long, long ago. As it is, I sometimes feel anger boiling up within me as I see entertainers celebrating abortions, the evil that intensifies each and every day, and the greed and hatred rampant in our world.

I also know many believers have reached a breaking point due to illness, grief, and affliction. Pain touches the lives of so many followers of Jesus.