Satan’s tactics have not changed; he still seeks to inject insecurity into the final outcome of our faith, which makes it depend on our continuing love for the Lord rather than His unfailing love for us.
Why Do So Many Believers Choose to Be Oblivious to the Perils of Our World?
Don't Look Outside the Window
Suddenly - Everything Will Change
The Most Neglected Biblical Truth in Today's Churches
I have heard many presentations of the Gospel where the pastor never said the words “eternal life,” or if he did, he mentioned it as an afterthought or as part of John 3:16 during his closing prayer. Why do so many pastors refuse to mention the biblically sound promise that we will live forever in imperishable bodies like that of our Lord Jesus
Don't Run in the Wrong Direction with Bible Prophecy
What More Does the Church Need to See?
Replacement Theology: A Backdoor Assault on the Integrity of Scripture
Scripture Must Have the Final Say in All Things Pertaining to Both Our Faith and Israel
The Claim that Jesus Now Reigns Over the Nations Dishonors Our Savior
The claim that Jesus is already reigning over the nations is extremely popular in churches today. However, is this the rule of Jesus over the nations of the earth? Is our current experience the kingdom to which the New Testament says we are heirs?
What is this kingdom to which the Bible says we are heirs as believers.?