Hope of Glory

The Devastating Consequences Of The Church Ignoring Our "Blessed Hope"

The Devastating Consequences Of The Church Ignoring Our "Blessed Hope"

In Romans 8:23, the apostle identifies a key aspect of Jesus’ appearing, “the redemption of our bodies,” and then in verse 24 he states, “For in this hope we were saved.” Paul regarded the event we call the “Rapture” as a key belief because it signified the “hope” contained in the saving message of the Gospel.

Can God Change His Mind About Israel? Or About Us?

Can God Change His Mind About Israel? Or About Us?

Satan’s tactics have not changed; he still seeks to inject insecurity into the final outcome of our faith, which makes it depend on our continuing love for the Lord rather than His unfailing love for us.

The Comfort We Find in Jesus' Triumphant Return to Earth

The Comfort We Find in Jesus' Triumphant Return to Earth

If not for Bible prophecy and my hope in Jesus’ soon appearing, I could see myself easily giving into the panic that abounds in our world. But I know that regardless of how dark and chaotic our world becomes, Jesus will have the final say.

The Most Neglected Biblical Truth in Today's Churches

The Most Neglected Biblical Truth in Today's Churches

I have heard many presentations of the Gospel where the pastor never said the words “eternal life,” or if he did, he mentioned it as an afterthought or as part of John 3:16 during his closing prayer. Why do so many pastors refuse to mention the biblically sound promise that we will live forever in imperishable bodies like that of our Lord Jesus



Back in October 1962, I sensed the fear that gripped the U.S. because of the threat posed by the presence of Russian missiles in Cuba. Today, the situation is far more terrifying; because we are significantly closer to a nuclear conflict than in the last century. For most people, however, a dreamlike aura persists despite the imminent perils.

Jesus’ Preeminence Verifies Our Hope in His Soon Appearing

Jesus’ Preeminence Verifies Our Hope in His Soon Appearing

Colossians 1:15-20 doesn’t predict what’s going to happen next or reveal what lies ahead for this world. However, the descriptions of our Savior in these verses verify all that I believe about a pre-Tribulation Rapture, a literal seven-year Tribulation, and Jesus’ thousand-year reign over the nations.

The Late Great United States

The Late Great United States

Despite the overturning of Roe v Wade in 2022, the blood of precious children still soaks American soil and cries out for justice. Several states remain fixated on the murder of the innocents with many corporations paying the travel expenses for women in states where laws prohibit such slaying.

Post-It Notes from The Edge: The Salve of Bible Prophecy

Post-It Notes from The Edge: The Salve of Bible Prophecy

Jesus not only guided me safely through many “brutal” attacks against my heart, but He also brought me to a place of ministry that reaches thousands around the world.

How? What kept me from falling off the edge? Sometimes I wonder myself, but I know what the Lord used to keep me sane at such times.

The Magnificent Glory That Awaits Us in Eternity

The Magnificent Glory That Awaits Us in Eternity

We use the word “glory” to refer to many aspects of our walk with the Lord. In a real sense, glorify His name when praise Him and sing worship songs. We see a foretaste of God’s glory in beautiful sunsets, the grandeur of snowcapped mountain tops, and in many ways through the beauty and wonder of nature.

We will not see the full display of Jesus’ glory, however, until He appears to take us up to heaven!