Unforgettable Faces


On June 27, 1969, Life magazine published the pictures of the 242 U.S. soldiers who died in the Vietnam conflict from May 28 through June 3, 1969. I was sixteen at the time and to this day I recall the haunting effect that the faces of those young men had on me.

The striking display brought the horrors of war to life for everyone who saw the display.

Today, we find ourselves in the midst of another battle that’s far more deadly than the one in Southeast Asia so long ago. It’s Satan versus humanity.

It also has its victims, faces that often flash across social media before the censors delete them in one way or another.

For me, many of the images in this conflict remain unforgettable.

Faces in The War Against Bible-Believing Christians

Though it gets little attention in the U.S., Muslims in Nigeria have killed many believers in this nation. Some estimate that they have martyred three thousand in 2021 alone. I recall one particular image on social media of men carrying the caskets of their slain fellow believers. I will not soon forget the expressions of grief and resolve on their faces. I also remember the picture of a Nigerian pastor sitting at his desk before radicals took his life because he refused to deny Jesus.

A recent report from Afghanistan tells of the the Taliban executing groups of 30-40 believers at a time. Such is the Satanic hatted of this group impowered and equipped by the policies of the current administration in the U.S.

The war against Bible-believing Christians in the U.S. looks different at the moment, but may also turn deadly.

If you listen to the mainstream media, you’re likely to get the impression that it’s only evangelical Christians who resist the vaccine and are thereby solely to blame for the mounting COVID deaths. The reality is that only half of the population in America has received the injections; it’s not just believers who are resisting the push to receive the jab. I know of many outside the faith that adamantly oppose the mRNA injections.

However, frustration is mounting in the U.S. government as the resistance grows even stronger. I witnessed the enraged demeanor of Joe Biden as he rushed to a microphone to loudly and repeatedly proclaim that the “unvaccinated are killing people.” Perhaps he does not know that a significant percentage of people in hospitals as a result of COVID are fully vaccinated!

I believe that eventually the blame for COVID deaths will fall on Bible-believing Christians regardless of their vaccination status. If there ever was a time heed Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:16, it is now: We must be “wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us we already participate in this war, but it’s about to become much more real as the hostility toward us ramps up.

Faces in The War Against Mankind

Of all the faces that I have recently seen, the most haunting are those who have died in a related battle; they have died as the direct result of the mRNA shots. I have seen dozens of such pictures on social media and heard scores of stories from grieving loved ones as well as from those permanently injured as a result of the vaccine. In a few cases that I have heard or read about, past injuries or bouts with cancer have roared back to inflict the recipients of these jabs.

VAERS data released by the CDC through September 10, 2021 reported 701,559 adverse reactions to the COVID-19 injections that included 60,741 hospitalizations, 19,210 people permanently disabled, 6,637 heart attacks, 5,765 cases of myocarditis, and 14,925 deaths. (This data can be found at: https://openvaers.com/). And as the Project Veritas video of September 20, 2021 demonstrates, the vast majority of adverse reactions to the jab are never reported.

The death count due to these vaccines through mid August in the Europe Union stood at 20,525 and Brazil reports that over 32,000 have died as a result of these jabs.

At a September 17th meeting, experts at the FDA stated that they believe the COVID-19 vaccines are killing two people for every one person they save. (Click here for the link.)

Can you imagine the impact of a magazine spread of the pictures of the tens of thousands of people that have likely perished as a result of receiving the vaccine in just the United States?

The CDC attempts to justify the high death toll by saying it represents a small percentage of all those injected. The mainstream media runs stories of happy recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine who encourage others to take the wonderful injections.

Imagine if you will, that back in the summer of 1969 the mainstream media has countered the spread of pictures in Life magazine by reporting that the weekly death toll from Vietnam reflected a very low percentage of our soldiers in Southeast Asia. What if they ran interviews with veterans who had safely returned from the conflict as proof that the war was not nearly as dangerous as the naysayers claimed it was? The outcry from such scandalous and hurtful reporting would have been tremendous, and rightly so.

But is that not exactly how the CDC and media currently treat the overwhelming suffering and deaths that have resulted from the COVID-19 vaccines? Is that not precisely what the mainstream is doing at this very moment? It surely is, without a doubt, and it’s equally despicable.

Dr. Peter McCollough, a professor at the Texas A&M school of medicine and one of the leading cardiologists in all of America, believes the death count from the COVID-19 “vaccines” is much closer to 50,000 in just the U.S. He claims to have a source inside the CDC that confirms this number of fatalities, which is remarkably close to the casualty count from the Vietnam war. I believe the numbers that Dr. McCullough reported several months ago are accurate and now far exceed his estimate at the time.

Why, then, are the powerbrokers of our day so eager to see that everyone receives the highly dangerous and often fatale mRNA injections? Yes, the majority of recipients have not yet died or suffered permanent disabling injuries from these “vaccines,” but should not the high casualty numbers allow us the option of refusing them? Why are governments so insistent on making these injections mandatory when they have a real, genuine possibility of killing people and we do not yet know the long-term effects of them due to the lack of testing?

Consider the following quote from an article written by Tyler Durden, a writer for the ZeroHedge website. Below he explores reasons for the over-the-top push to see that everyone, without exception, receives the jab.

If a large population of millions of people remain unvaccinated after the next couple of years, then they will represent a sizable and undeniable control group. A control group is a group of subjects that act as a pure sample untouched by a drug or vaccine experiment. If the vaccinated group becomes ill or dies from specific conditions and the control group does not have those same conditions, then that is a pretty good sign that your vaccine or drug is poison.

My concern is that Klaus Schwab’s reset agenda is impossible to enforce in a permanent way unless the human population is greatly reduced over a short period of time (a generation or two). Globalists are constantly talking about population control and reduction. Elites like Bill Gates are famous for it. Is it any wonder that they would devise a plan to institute it?

What if, as many experts have suggested, the vaccine side effects create this condition of a diminishing population? What if they are meant to? We will not know for certain for a couple of years at least as autoimmune disorders and infertility take time to become visible in a population.[i]

It’s Satan

Daymond Duck, in his August 1 article on the Rapture Ready website entitled It’s Satan, began with these words:

The writer of this article was recently asked, “Why do the globalists who are supposed to be very intelligent make decisions that are so clearly wrong?”

Most don’t realize it, but Satan is behind their evil.

He has blinded them to the extent that they don’t believe the Bible is the Word of God.

The enemy of our soul lies behind the war against Bible-believing Christians and the truths of God’s Word. His murderous designs and mass deception should not surprise us; Jesus described the devil this way in John 8:44, “He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

However, there’s exceedingly good news in all of us who trust Jesus alone as our Savior. The stepped-up activity of Satan that we see in our world tells us we live in the last days of human history as we know it. This means the seven-year tribulation is right at our door; we already see its shadow growing darker by the day.

And if the day of the Lord’s wrath is near, that means Jesus’ return for us must be ever so close. He will not allow His church to endure the judgments of this period of time; He’s coming for us very soon.

Yes, much death and destruction lie ahead for the world in which we live; we may see more of it before our rapid departure from planet earth.

Our ultimate expectation, however, is the imminent return of Jesus to take us to the place He’s preparing for us (John 14:1-3). Do not let anyone steal that glorious anticipation from you; the pretribulation rapture is the blessed hope of the Gospel (Titus 2:11-14).


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[i] Tyler Durden, Brandon Smith: Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates? August , 2021 on the ZeroHedge website @ https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/brandon-smith-why-are-globalists-and-governments-so-desperate-100-vaccination-rates