
The Witness of Church History: Bad Theology Begets Anti-Semitism

The Witness of Church History: Bad Theology Begets Anti-Semitism

The massive influx of people from Muslim nations explains the anti-Semitic demonstrations in major cities across Europe and the U.S., but why the intense hatred such as at Cornel University in New York where Jewish students are forced to hide from danger?

The silence of churches concerning Israel’s right to the Land leaves a vacuum that the devil fills with murderous hatred.

Deadly Delusions: 5 Lies the Globalists Want You to Believe

Deadly Delusions: 5 Lies the Globalists Want You to Believe

The majority of people do not want the luciferin agenda of the elite powerbrokers of our day, but that doesn’t matter. They will impose their will on the unsuspecting, slowly but surely.

They will do so through many dangerous delusions that will at some point, turn deadly.

Storm Warning

Storm Warning

The prophetic signs of our day resemble a storm warning. The dark threatening clouds on our horizon point to nearness of the time when the four horses of Revelation 6:1-8 will burst out of their stalls and gallop across the earth.

For us as believers, the black clouds on the horizon signal the nearness of Jesus’ appearing; we will be in heaven with Jesus when He opens the seals.

Unforgettable Faces

Unforgettable Faces

Today, we find ourselves in the midst of another battle that’s far more deadly than the one in Southeast Asia so long ago. It’s Satan versus humanity.

It also has its victims, faces that often flash across social media before the censors delete them in one way or another.

Is This The End Times . . . or Just The Way It Has Always Been?

Is This The End Times . . . or Just The Way It Has Always Been?

Do you remember the song “Signs” by the Five Man Electrical Band? This popular tune made it all the way to number 3 on the Billboard charts during the summer and fall of 1971. The refrain concludes with the words, “Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, sign, sign, sign.”

Now that I have that song firmly ensconced in your mind, I will move on to a different type of sign that I see everywhere I look. These multiple signs point to the coming tribulation and the end of the age.

I believe there is something radically different about what we are now witnessing today in our world.

End Times . . . or Just The Way It Has Always Been?

End Times . . . or Just The Way It Has Always Been?

Do you remember the song “Signs” by the Five Man Electrical Band? This popular tune made it all the way to number 3 on the Billboard charts during the summer and fall of 1971. The refrain concludes with the words, “Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, sign, sign, sign.”

Now that I have that song firmly ensconced in your mind, I will move on to a different type of sign that I see everywhere I look. These multiple signs point to the coming tribulation and the end of the age.

I believe there is something radically different about what we are now witnessing today in our world.