I’m still convinced that Jesus is coming for us soon.
The end of September didn’t put an end to the multitude of signs telling us that the seven-year Tribulation is ever so close, even right on our doorstep.
Eternal life resides in Jesus and in Him alone. No one else! This is true now and will also be the case after Jesus removes His true church from the earth.
In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
What do people need the most? The answer remains the same as it’s always been: A clear understanding of the Gospel. By this I mean that people need Jesus, not the one that so many today create in their mind but but the One revealed on the pages of Scripture.
Enoch lived 365 years before God took him away from the earth. From all that we know about the antediluvian world, that’s a long time to walk faithfully with the Lord.
Like Enoch, we must persevere amid today's ridicule of our hope, such as the article CNN mocking the Rapture, as we eagerly await our “blessed hope.”
On the one hand, the depopulation effort of the globalists is frightening.
On the other hand, it opens our eyes to what’s happening around us and reminds us that God is sovereignly directing history to accomplish His purpose in preparing the world, and Israel, for Jesus’ upcoming thousand-year reign on the earth.
In recent years, however, the Greek Word apostasia, translated “falling away” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, has received heightened scrutiny with many regarding this as a reference to the Rapture.
Can we justify interpreting the word as a physical departure such as would point to Jesus’ appearing to take us back to heaven? I believe we can.
Revelation begins with these words: “The revelation of Jesus Christ.” The book is all about Jesus’ magnificence and power. From beginning to end, Revelation glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ.
Revelation is more relevant than ever before as we watch a great many of its prophecies came into sharper focus.
The promotion of draconian measures to reduce our dependency on fuel and natural gas is just one way that the globalists hope to achieve the power they crave.
In this post, I list three popular climate myths that the globalists use to further their deadly agenda. These myths lie behind the green measures in the U.S. Inflation Reduction act.
It's because of the current push across the world to demonize the use of fossil fuels as well as those of us who do not believe the climate alarmists that I have decided to write a series of articles in response. In this first post, I present a biblical view of the environment in response to those that claims we are the deniers of reality.
Make no mistake, the Supreme Court ruling on June 24, 2022, overturning Roe v. Ware is a huge victory for life, and I’m overjoyed with the decision. It will possibly spare hundreds of thousands lives from a cruel and inhumane death.
However, I’m not overly optimistic because the ruling does not brighten the dark foreboding clouds on our horizon.
It’s because the entire world is so very close to the fulfillment of Revelation 6:1-8, and Scripture assures us that we will be with Jesus before these riders begin their deadly and noisy trek across the planet. We will hear the sound of the trumpet before the world hears the hoofbeats of the riders of the Apocalypse.