
He Sees, He Is Not Silent, and He Is Coming Soon

He Sees, He Is Not Silent, and He Is Coming Soon

As I wondered about how to respond to the normality bias so evident in churches today, I thought about the title of the Francis A. Schaeffer book that I read in college, He Is There and He is Not Silent. I believe that name might be adjusted for today as, “He Sees, He Is Not Silent, and He Is Coming Soon.”

The Rabbi Who Sparked Israel's Quest for the Land

The Rabbi Who Sparked Israel's Quest for the Land

Because of a rabbi’s influence and the friendships that he formed, England went from forbidding Jews to live within its borders to publishing ben Israel’s book, The Hope of Israel, in English, honoring him late in his life, and opening its doors to the Jewish people.

Where Is the Hope?

Where Is the Hope?

If there’s anything people need today, it’s hope. We are immersed in a culture of violence, deceit, and death. In the U.S., mass shootings have become commonplace. The horrors of Hamas’ massacre shock those not drawn into the demonic lies spread by the Palestinians. Anti-Semitic rants have become commonplace on our streets and on many college campuses causing many to fear for their lives.

The Witness of Church History: Bad Theology Begets Anti-Semitism

The Witness of Church History: Bad Theology Begets Anti-Semitism

The massive influx of people from Muslim nations explains the anti-Semitic demonstrations in major cities across Europe and the U.S., but why the intense hatred such as at Cornel University in New York where Jewish students are forced to hide from danger?

The silence of churches concerning Israel’s right to the Land leaves a vacuum that the devil fills with murderous hatred.

Words That Give Us Hope Amid the Perils of Our Day

Words That Give Us Hope Amid the Perils of Our Day

Whether it’s the Gospel or any other belief, we depend upon the words of Scripture for truth rather than our own intuition or reasoning. “Why restate such an obvious truth?”

I do so because many believers do not understand how the words of Scripture relate to the perils we face today as our world teeters on the brink of a devastating war.

Prophetic Observations of the Massacre in Israel

Prophetic Observations of the Massacre in Israel

Because the events of October 7, 2023, and days following involve Israel, we know there will be prophetic implications that will reverberate for the coming months and years.

This article expands of several prophetic observations that flow from massacre of Israeli citizens and many from other nations as well.

The Mistaken Diagnoses of the Scoffers

The Mistaken Diagnoses of the Scoffers

The Rapture has become the object of scorn in many churches, even where it was once taught as a core belief. And of course, those outside of Christ give us much grief regarding our hope in Jesus’ imminent appearing, but that’s to be expected.

What lies behind the intense scoffing of our hope?

Good News for Weary Saints

Good News for Weary Saints

At times like these, the words of Scripture bring the most comfort to me and I suspect that they do the same for you. We can endure because the words on the pages of our Bibles ring out with the good new that Jesus will take us home to glory before the start of the seven-year Tribulation.

Does Jesus Lament Today's Silence Regarding His Imminent Appearing?

Does Jesus Lament Today's Silence Regarding His Imminent Appearing?

Jesus wept at the sight of Jerusalem knowing that its rejection of Him would lead to its destruction and much sorrow.

Does the Savior grieve today over the unwillingness of churches to mention anything concerning His appearing?

The Perils of Preterism

The Perils of Preterism

Preterism is one of today’s most popular views of the end times; it’s popularity among Christian leaders and pastors continues to grow.

In this article, I demonstrate the falseness of this belief with five egregious errors of preterism.

A Fatal Illusion

A Fatal Illusion

It’s been heart-wrenching at times, but now I fear I have become numb to the nonstop drumbeat of suffering, disability, and death about which I read on almost a daily basis.

In the past couple years, I have read several hundred reports depicting the pain, suffering, and death caused by the COVID injections. Stories thoroughly buried by the mainstream news, but nonetheless real to those still suffering or grieving the loss of loved ones.

The Forgotten Resurrection: Why Do So Many Pastors Hide This Glorious Truth From The Saints?

The Forgotten Resurrection: Why Do So Many Pastors Hide This Glorious Truth From The Saints?

The Bible is quite clear about our joyful hope of receiving immortal bodies at Jesus’ appearing (1 Corinthians 15:48-54, Philippians 3:20-21).

This is not a fringe teaching, not at all, but it comes from several passages where the wording is unmistakable and cannot be misconstrued to mean anything else than our hope of resurrected bodies .

Echoes of Fascism: Recent Events Don't Bode Well for America's Future

Echoes of Fascism: Recent Events Don't Bode Well for America's Future

The Bible reveals that the final form of the antichrist’s dominion will be exceedingly deadly for both believers and the Jewish people. The echoes of fascism that now resound through America spell grave danger to both groups even now.

The Lion, the Sluggard, and the Rapture

The Lion, the Sluggard, and the Rapture

As I watch the signs of the coming Tribulation period fall into place, I conclude that one might righty say, “There’s a lion in the street!” The perils to our wellbeing are real; the difference between a sluggard and a wise person, however, rests in where they look for wisdom. The sluggard looks to himself while the wise looks to Scripture;.

Silencing the Remnant Church

Silencing the Remnant Church

As many of you can attest, those of us in this group have been disenfranchised, ostracized, by churches that claim to believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.

How did we get to this place? Why are we regarded as outcasts in churches that claim to believe the Bible and in many cases faithfully proclaim the saving message of the cross?

It's Far Better Than You Can Imagine

It's Far Better Than You Can Imagine

My purpose for this article is not to expound upon the many reasons why we live in in the season of Jesus' appearing, but rather to explain why it's a cause for great jubilation regardless of our circumstances.

Heaven will fill us with unbounded joy and delight. Count on it.

9 Essential Reasons for Understanding Biblical Prophecy

9 Essential Reasons for Understanding Biblical Prophecy

The urgency for everyone to understand what Scripture says about our future comes at a time when most churches refuse to talk about what the Bible says about the day in which we live.

As a result, most believers remain in the dark regarding their hope in Jesus’ soon appearing as well as the grave perils they face because the majority of the world's leaders bow before the murderous enemy of their souls.

Is the UN’s Proposed Seven-Year Plan Prophetically Significant?

Is the UN’s Proposed Seven-Year Plan Prophetically Significant?

The UN recently announced that they need “7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs.”

Is the fact that the globalists are thinking in terms of “seven years” prophetically significant?

Lessons From a Russian Gambit

Lessons From a Russian Gambit

Last Saturday, June 24, just when it looked like Yevgeny Prigozhin and his Wagner group were about to attack Moscow resulting in a bloody conflict with forces loyal to Putin, the leader of Russia, the situation suddenly and mysteriously changed.

I learned several lessons from the events of that day.