Perilous Times



Back in October 1962, I sensed the fear that gripped the U.S. because of the threat posed by the presence of Russian missiles in Cuba. Today, the situation is far more terrifying; because we are significantly closer to a nuclear conflict than in the last century. For most people, however, a dreamlike aura persists despite the imminent perils.

Finding Peace in a Fear-Mongering World

Finding Peace in a Fear-Mongering World

Where do we go when the perils of this life spark anger within us or cause us to retreat within ourselves in fear of what might happen next? Where do we find peace in a fear-mongering world?

COP28: The Ruse Behind the Elite's Insatiable Quest for Power

COP28: The Ruse Behind the Elite's Insatiable Quest for Power

Do not let the elite powerbrokers of our day deceive you; there is no climate emergency. This is one of many deceptions that Jesus said would characterize the last days (Matthew 24:4). The purpose of COP28 is about furthering the ruse that the globalists believe will enable them to gain control of all the nations.

Words That Give Us Hope Amid the Perils of Our Day

Words That Give Us Hope Amid the Perils of Our Day

Whether it’s the Gospel or any other belief, we depend upon the words of Scripture for truth rather than our own intuition or reasoning. “Why restate such an obvious truth?”

I do so because many believers do not understand how the words of Scripture relate to the perils we face today as our world teeters on the brink of a devastating war.

Rousing a Snoozing Church

Rousing a Snoozing Church

There’s insanely good news ahead for us because of Jesus’ imminent return for us, but most saints remain asleep and do not know the peace of watching for His appearing.

I Still Believe in Jesus’ Imminent Appearing

I Still Believe in Jesus’ Imminent Appearing

At a time of great discouragement and much heartache in my past, I focused on biblical promises and wrote several pages in my journal of why I still believed despite my awful circumstances. Perhaps it’s time for another declaration of why I still believe that Jesus will come for us before the start if the Tribulation.

Walking by Faith in Perilous Times

Walking by Faith in Perilous Times

Habakkuk lived in a day remarkably similar to ours and felt the exact despondency we feel as we witness the corruption, violence, and injustice of our day. His words in the opening verses of the book he penned sound eerily similar to many of our thoughts as we witness the injustice all around us.

Are America's Foundations Crumbling?

Are America's Foundations Crumbling?

According to the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, a lady asked Dr. Franklin, “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.” Benjamin Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.”

This quote has been ringing in my ears since I heard about the election fraud taking place in many states.

What Does It All Mean?

What Does It All Mean?

How do we reconcile these diverse scenes? On the one hand, we saw a firm stand for liberty, the life of the unborn, and the preservation of our freedoms. At the same time, we witnessed demonic outbursts of hatred, murder, and violence fully intent at destroying our way of life and God-given rights.

What does it all mean? What can we expect in the days ahead?

One Minute to Midnight

One Minute to Midnight

Is this it? Are we living in the very last moments before the rapture? Is the seven-year tribulation taking shape before our eyes?

Far too many Christians answer “no” to these questions. It’s one minute to midnight and they remain asleep, unaware the we live in the perilous last days before the rapture.

What is Happening in our World?

What is Happening in our World?

What is happening to our great nation? What do the riots signify? Why do we see such violence on our streets with innocent people attacked and in many instances killed? Why the tremendous increase in violence?

What if all that we are seeing points what the Bible tells us will be a world government during the time of the tribulation?

The Conditioning of America for the New World Order

The Conditioning of America for the New World Order

Much of what we are seeing in 2020 represents a concerted effort by elite globalists to prepare people in the United States and world to accept the authority of the coming New World Order (NWO). Although President Trump remains solidly against the submission of the United States to it, the radical left has succeeded in convincing many Americans of its necessity.

10 Signs of the Looming Seven-Year Tribulation

10 Signs of the Looming Seven-Year Tribulation

Have you ever wondered during the past few months if the seven-year tribulation has already begun?

Although the tribulation has not yet started, we see the beginning of conditions we know will be much worse during this seven-year period. I believe this is God’s way of getting the attention of the world before His judgments begin. He’s also letting us know that His appearing is imminent.

Are You Ready for the Coming Tsunami?

Are You Ready for the Coming Tsunami?

On September 28, 2018, many residents of Palu, Indonesia gathered on the beach to celebrate the town’s anniversary. Despite the rumblings of earthquakes, it seemed like a normal day to the people joining in the happy festivities.

Due to a failure in the tsunami warning system, the people on the beach were unaware that a tidal wave at least ten feet high was headed their direction at a speed of 500 miles per hour.

Jesus compared His appearing to the days of Noah and issued this warning along with that, “and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (Matt. 24:39). Do you see why the tsunami is an apt picture of Jesus’ words about the last days?

Our Most Powerful Weapon

Our Most Powerful Weapon

It’s so easy to personalize our battles as being against a particular person or group and forget that our enemy is blinding their eyes to the truth, deceiving them, and turning them against what is good. Paul’s words in Ephesians 6:12 remind us that people and groups are not our enemy; it’s Satan who deceives others.

Because of the nature of our fight we have a most powerful weapon at our disposal. . . .

O Lord, How Long?

O Lord, How Long?

It’s almost too much to bear. I want to do more; I want to do so much more but I do not even know where to start.

I hear about the evils of the horrific sex trafficking and wonder now how people can be so wicked. And yet, this practice (undoubtedly inspired by demons) rakes in untold billions of dollars every year as pedophilia becomes more and more accepted in our society, much in the same way homosexuality became increasingly accepted decades earlier.

A year or two ago I watched videos of Planned Parenthood executives boasting about the dismembering and selling of baby parts and thought, “Surely Congress will take action against this atrocity.” Instead, I watched as leaders of the Republican Party supported the continued funding of this vile organization with our tax money. A couple weeks ago, I saw Democratic Senators celebrate the defeat of a bill that would have at least stopped the wicked practice of abortion after twenty weeks. How can these things be?

Jesus, Hatred, and the Last Days

Jesus, Hatred, and the Last Days

Did you know that hatred is a sign of the last days?

In Matthew 24:9-10 Jesus said this, “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another.” Amidst all the other signs of which we are so familiar, Jesus lists hatred, particularly against His followers, as an indication of the end times.

Today, see hatred everywhere in our world. Opponents of Christianity killed an estimated 90,000 believers in 2016 and opposition to our faith has not diminished since then. Anti-Semitism is epidemic across Europe that has led to many Jews fearing for their lives, especially in France.

The apostle Paul, in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, describes the godlessness of the last days. Although he does not use the word hatred, he aptly describes the divisive, angry, and intolerable culture of our day.