
Good News for Weary Saints

Good News for Weary Saints

At times like these, the words of Scripture bring the most comfort to me and I suspect that they do the same for you. We can endure because the words on the pages of our Bibles ring out with the good new that Jesus will take us home to glory before the start of the seven-year Tribulation.

Echoes of Fascism: Recent Events Don't Bode Well for America's Future

Echoes of Fascism: Recent Events Don't Bode Well for America's Future

The Bible reveals that the final form of the antichrist’s dominion will be exceedingly deadly for both believers and the Jewish people. The echoes of fascism that now resound through America spell grave danger to both groups even now.

Silencing the Remnant Church

Silencing the Remnant Church

As many of you can attest, those of us in this group have been disenfranchised, ostracized, by churches that claim to believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.

How did we get to this place? Why are we regarded as outcasts in churches that claim to believe the Bible and in many cases faithfully proclaim the saving message of the cross?

9 Essential Reasons for Understanding Biblical Prophecy

9 Essential Reasons for Understanding Biblical Prophecy

The urgency for everyone to understand what Scripture says about our future comes at a time when most churches refuse to talk about what the Bible says about the day in which we live.

As a result, most believers remain in the dark regarding their hope in Jesus’ soon appearing as well as the grave perils they face because the majority of the world's leaders bow before the murderous enemy of their souls.

Is the UN’s Proposed Seven-Year Plan Prophetically Significant?

Is the UN’s Proposed Seven-Year Plan Prophetically Significant?

The UN recently announced that they need “7 Years of Accelerated, Transformative Action to Achieve SDGs.”

Is the fact that the globalists are thinking in terms of “seven years” prophetically significant?

We Are Heirs to the Kingdom

We Are Heirs to the Kingdom

The powerbrokers in our world work feverishly to bring about a global Marxist government over which they will rule and enslave the people of the world.

These globalists are powerful, famous, and exceedingly wealthy, but they will be forgotten relics of the past when we inherit an everlasting kingdom.

How Can You Not See?

How Can You Not See?

How can you not see the signs of the last days everywhere you look?

For most of you, the question is a confirmation of what you believe rather than one expressing doubt in your convictions. For those that place their hope in the church rather than Jesus’ imminent appearing, I have much for them to consider.

Wokeism Begins with Devaluing the Words of Scripture

Wokeism Begins with Devaluing the Words of Scripture

The woke culture that’s invaded many churches thrives on promoting a Jesus that’s far different from the One we read about in the New Testament, which always begins when a church discounts the meaning of words in the biblical text.

The words of Scripture matter. One cannot devalue their meaning without opening to door to false teaching.

What’s Mercy Got to Do With Bible Prophecy?

What’s Mercy Got to Do With Bible Prophecy?

Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.”

In other words, good theology comes from a scriptural understanding of God’s character and this is especially true in regard to the study of future things.

The Epidemic of Deception: Preparing the World for the Master of Deceit

The Epidemic of Deception: Preparing the World for the Master of Deceit

Scripture is remarkably clear about this: the time leading up to the seven-year Tribulation, as well as the period itself, will be marked by overwhelming and widespread deception.

As we look around us, it’s unmistakable that this has reached epidemic levels, which signifies that we live in the shadow of the coming seven-year Tribulation.

A Clear and Present Danger

A Clear and Present Danger

It seems harmless to most Christians today. Many pastors who promote this teaching also adhere to the Gospel of grace. Although the danger remains hidden, it’s real.

This is because churches with a lengthy history of denying a future restored kingdom for Israel are those that today promote Wokeism and proclaim the tenants of cancel culture rather than the saving message of the cross.

Deadly Delusions: 5 Lies the Globalists Want You to Believe

Deadly Delusions: 5 Lies the Globalists Want You to Believe

The majority of people do not want the luciferin agenda of the elite powerbrokers of our day, but that doesn’t matter. They will impose their will on the unsuspecting, slowly but surely.

They will do so through many dangerous delusions that will at some point, turn deadly.

There's a Table in Today's Church that Needs Overtruning

There's a Table in Today's Church that Needs Overtruning

If there’s a table in today’s church that needs overturning, it’s Replacement Theology. Its proponents tell us that the church has replaced Israel as the recipient of God’s covenants with and promises to the nation. They say the church is now God’s kingdom on earth.

Colliding Kingdoms Signal Jesus’ Soon Appearing

Colliding Kingdoms Signal Jesus’ Soon Appearing

Make no mistake, we live at a time when Satan’s kingdom is colliding with God’s rule. However, with clash comes a cause for rejoicing!

It signals that Jesus’ appearing to take us home to glory is ever so close!

12 Questions for Those Who Dismiss the Validity of Future Bible Prophecy

12 Questions for Those Who Dismiss the Validity of Future Bible Prophecy

Our joyous hope in Jesus’ soon appearing to take us to heaven before the seven-year Tribulation has its roots deep in the promises God made to Israel long, long ago.

The Sign of Fulfilled Prophecy

The Sign of Fulfilled Prophecy

We learn a lot by looking at fulfilled prophecy. At His first coming, Jesus fulfilled forty-eight specific prophecies concerning His birth, lineage, life, death, and burial.

What does this tell us about our approach to the many prophecies that remain unfulfilled?

The Triumph of the Redeemed

The Triumph of the Redeemed

It’s the particulars of our glorious future that provide us with a hopeful and biblical context into which we can place the storms and tragic circumstances that come our way and persevere when during the dark times in which we live.

It’s a glorious adventure that starts with the Rapture of the church.

Israel’s Future Restoration Validates Our Hope as New Testament Saints

Israel’s Future Restoration Validates Our Hope as New Testament Saints

Both Israel’s future and our security as New Testament Saints rest upon both God’s promises and character. That’s why I always begin my defense of the pre-Tribulation Rapture with the biblical teaching regarding the Lord’s future restoration of Israel.

Don’t Mess With the Book of Revelation

Don’t Mess With the Book of Revelation

Revelation begins with these words: “The revelation of Jesus Christ.” The book is all about Jesus’ magnificence and power. From beginning to end, Revelation glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation is more relevant than ever before as we watch a great many of its prophecies came into sharper focus.

3 Climate Myths Spread by the Globalists

3 Climate Myths Spread by the Globalists

The promotion of draconian measures to reduce our dependency on fuel and natural gas is just one way that the globalists hope to achieve the power they crave.

In this post, I list three popular climate myths that the globalists use to further their deadly agenda. These myths lie behind the green measures in the U.S. Inflation Reduction act.