
The Living God Versus Yuval Harari

The Living God Versus Yuval Harari

During the past couple years, I’ve become all too well-acquainted with the Luciferic boasts of Yuval Noah Harari, bestselling author and chief advisor to Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Even if we give Harari credit for his intellect and communication skills, how does he compare to the God we read about on the pages of Scripture? To say he falls far short is a vast understatement!

God Sees Our Distress; He Will Deliver Us

God Sees Our Distress; He Will Deliver Us

Is it not encouraging to know that the Lord knows all about our distressing circumstances? He already sees our deliverance. The One who has “called us to glory” (1 Peter 5:10) is ever so close to taking us there (Colossians 3:4).

Colliding Kingdoms Signal Jesus’ Soon Appearing

Colliding Kingdoms Signal Jesus’ Soon Appearing

Make no mistake, we live at a time when Satan’s kingdom is colliding with God’s rule. However, with clash comes a cause for rejoicing!

It signals that Jesus’ appearing to take us home to glory is ever so close!

12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal

12 Signs the World is Running Out of Normal

I understand why so many question Jesus’ soon return given the fact that it’s been two thousand years since He promised to return.

In spite of the long wait, I’m convinced that Jesus’ appearing is imminent because of the myriad of signs telling us that the Tribulation period is right on our doorstep.

The Triumph of the Redeemed

The Triumph of the Redeemed

It’s the particulars of our glorious future that provide us with a hopeful and biblical context into which we can place the storms and tragic circumstances that come our way and persevere when during the dark times in which we live.

It’s a glorious adventure that starts with the Rapture of the church.

Conspiracy Theories or Spoiler Alerts?

Conspiracy Theories or Spoiler Alerts?

Many regard talk of threats to their wellbeing as conspiracy theories, outcomes they see as so far out of the ordinary that they cannot possibly be true. But what if they are more than just annoying musings of doomsday purveyors?

This article asks you to make the call: Are they conspiracy theories or spoiler alerts of what lies ahead in the future?

Persevering in a Dangerous World

Persevering in a Dangerous World

We live in a time like no other because so very few people are paying attention to the deadly crises that loom on our horizon. We live in biblical times because what we see worldwide is precisely what God's Word says the world look like just before the start of the seven-year Tribulation.

Waiting for Jesus' Appearing Amid the Rampant Evil of Our Day

Waiting for Jesus' Appearing Amid the Rampant Evil of Our Day

As we wait for Jesus’ appearing, our hearts often grow weary amid the rampant evil of our day and the hardships we encounter. Our cry often becomes one of “how much longer, O Lord?”

If you feel overwhelmed with life and long for our Savior to appear and intervene in our world, I am writing especially for you.

Israel’s Future Restoration Validates Our Hope as New Testament Saints

Israel’s Future Restoration Validates Our Hope as New Testament Saints

Both Israel’s future and our security as New Testament Saints rest upon both God’s promises and character. That’s why I always begin my defense of the pre-Tribulation Rapture with the biblical teaching regarding the Lord’s future restoration of Israel.

The Magnificent Glory That Awaits Us in Eternity

The Magnificent Glory That Awaits Us in Eternity

We use the word “glory” to refer to many aspects of our walk with the Lord. In a real sense, glorify His name when praise Him and sing worship songs. We see a foretaste of God’s glory in beautiful sunsets, the grandeur of snowcapped mountain tops, and in many ways through the beauty and wonder of nature.

We will not see the full display of Jesus’ glory, however, until He appears to take us up to heaven!

It’s The Fastest Growing View Of End-Times Prophecy In The Church Today, But It’s Wrong

It’s The Fastest Growing View Of End-Times Prophecy In The Church Today, But It’s Wrong

The church is the body of Christ with Jesus as its Head; it does not operate as a kingdom in this present world. And it’s most certainly not the restored kingdom of Israel.

The Lord never intended for His church to behave like a kingdom with an aristocracy that rules over it. We function on earth as Jesus’ body with each member possessing spiritual gifts that support the whole.

Does It Seem as Though We Live in a Twilight Zone?

Does It Seem as Though We Live in a Twilight Zone?

Walking into many churches today is like entering a Twilight Zone where life is all good and we listen to five-year plans for the future of the church. The message from the pulpit represents a total disconnect with what's happening throughout the world.

No One Can Thwart God’s Purposes for Us

No One Can Thwart God’s Purposes for Us

You see, what Joseph realized so long ago is this: Evil never thwarts God’s divine purposes for us, never. He is sovereign over the affairs of humanity even when evil people act contrary to His will.

Killers, Destroyers, and Gaslighters

Killers, Destroyers, and Gaslighters

I first saw the relevance of the book of Habakkuk 1 to our current day almost thirty years ago. Today, I’m stunned that we that live in U.S. have not already experienced something similar to the judgment that God sent to Judah a few decades after Habakkuk received his revelation from the Lord.

Is It Unbelief?

Is It Unbelief?

I’m weary of the excuses that I hear from pastors as to why they cannot talk about Jesus’ glorious return for His church. I’m tired of preachers going to great lengths to avoid saying the dreaded word, “Rapture.” You would think the church building roof would instantly cave in at even the mention of such a dreaded word.

Living Beyond the Moment

Living Beyond the Moment

At critical times in his life, Esau made terrible decisions because he could not see beyond the moment. He lived for the immediate gratification of his desires without any regard for the consequences, for the future, or for eternity.

Esau’s life alerts us to the dangers of living solely for the temporal world, for things we can see versus those things that are eternal (2 Cor. 4:17-18).

Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize

Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize

As deception, government corruption, violence, and lawlessness increase daily in our world, it becomes increasingly difficult to hang on to our hope in Jesus’ imminent appearing.

How do we keep our focus on the Rapture during these perilous times? Is there any hope for those of us weary of waiting for His return?

Rousing a Snoozing Church

Rousing a Snoozing Church

There’s insanely good news ahead for us because of Jesus’ imminent return for us, but most saints remain asleep and do not know the peace of watching for His appearing.

Now is the Time!!

Now is the Time!!

If there ever was a time in human history to be watching for Jesus’ appearing, it’s now!

Compared with my previous notions of godlessness and difficult times, I would characterize the day in which we live as perilous times on steroids.